
Luisa Barrera Queupumil, Bachelor of Arts (BA). Her work dialogues between the ancestral and contemporary artistic practice, her most used media are ceramics, video essay. In 2020 she participated in the cycle of exhibitions of the Sala Juan Egenau (virtual) with "Relatos Visuales", Chile, she also participated as an artist in residence in Arqueología del Gesto of the Centro de Investigación REVUELO with a creative project that reflects-acts in a multidisciplinary way around the ancestral cultures of Mapuche and Tiahuanaco.

In 2021 he participated in the virtual exhibition "ONE DAY: Have you seen the future? Austria, with the work "Mülen-Tuwün". In the same year, she made a two-month residency as a ceramist in southern Spain at the Center for Research and Contemporary Creation AADK, where she made two one-day open studio exhibitions for the nearby community. By 2022 she realized her first solo exhibition in Worm Gallery Valparaiso, with the proposal "TREKO MECHEN", with the collaboration of the Integrated Arts Department. She is currently working on a project of diffusion and development of indigenous cultures with "Chewizün Küf: Production of contemporary ceramic vessels''.